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Proiectul de cercetare „Asumarea istoriei naţionale şi participare în memorializarea contemporană a Holocaustului în ţări postcomuniste din Europa Centrală şi de Est” finanţat de UEFISCDI – Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0811, Contract 31/2018, 02/05/2018 – 30/04/2020), găzduit de Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel”.

The research project “Coming to Terms with National History and Participation in Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Post-communist Countries” financed by the UEFISCDI – The Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0811, Contract 31/2018, 02/04/2018 – 30/04/2020), hosted by the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania.


Obiectivul acestei cercetări este de a analiza mecanisme de memorializare a Holocaustului în regiunea post-comunistă a Europei Centrale şi de Est, în acest sens raportându-ne la activităţi produse sau nu sub autoritatea statului, precum și la forme memoriale figurative sau discursive ale acestor procese.

Ce rol are memorializarea atrocităților celui de-al doilea război mondial în societăți post-comuniste contemporane din regiunea Europei Centrale și de Est? Care este impactul social al acestor procese? Schimbă procesele actuale de transmitere a memoriei tipare de gândire și ideologii? Influențează aceste procese reprezentări care circulă în societatea de masă? Cum interrelaţionează transmiterea memorială a Holocaustului cu patrimoniul? Ar putea formele memoriale ale Holocaustului să fie considerate un instrument pentru formarea memoriei colective și a identității? Ce rol au aceste procese în reconcilierea memoriei unui trecut dificil al evreilor în Europa postcomunistă?

Plecând de la aceste întrebări şi situând tema în domeniul critic al studiilor memoriale şi de patrimoniu, cercetarea urmărește să examineze schimbările sociale, culturale, cognitive, politice și tehnologice care afectează modul în care indivizi, grupuri și societăți comemorează Holocaustul în contexte europene post-comuniste.

Folosind metode etnografice pentru a scoate la iveală moduri în care memoria acestui eveniment istoric este elaborată, transmisă şi receptată, ne propunem să abordăm problema dezbaterii ideologice a asumării acestui trecut traumatizant și mizele integrării istoriei evreilor în conștiința istorică. Prin urmare, cercetarea va analiza forme şi cadre, economia politică şi mecanisme de transmitere a Holocaustului, va explora sentimente induse de procesele de construire a memoriei publice, respectiv va examina impactul social al receptării acestor evenimente tragice.

Echipa de cercetare

Sonia CATRINA is a cultural studies scholar interested in heritage-making and memory-work, in relation to authorized institutions to it, but also to access and expression by minority groups. CATRINA’s research focuses on nationalism, ethnicity and identity, collective memory, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Her interdisciplinary research broadly inspects what, how and why heritage knowledge is created, shaped, managed, communicated and consumed in the public realm. Since 2015, she has been specializing in the field of the Holocaust studies, Genocide, and Memory Studies. The way in which the past is reconstructed through memory is one of the major interests of CATRINA’s research. In this regard, her study “Voicing the death of Jews from Northern Transylvania through heritage and its social appropriation” which received a six-month research fellowship from the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, being published in Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări (December 2016), is an extended socio-historical analysis regarding engagements towards (re)enactment of Holocaust into the Romanian public sphere through cultural forms of memorializing and commemorating the Jewish history during the Second World War in Northern Transylvania. Currently, Sonia CATRINA is a research project manager of “Coming to Terms with National History and Participation in Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Post-communist Countries”, an original research for its potential to shed light on the manifold politics associated with the commemoration of wars within multiracial and multi-religious post-communist contexts. She was the main organizer of the Spring School on the “Memoryscapes of the Holocaust in Romania” from May 21 to May 25, held in Șimleu Silvaniei, and of the International Colloquium on the “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, from October 11-12, held in Bucharest. Paying particular attention to the Holocaust and communist legacies in Romania, she is now working on perceptions regarding the foundation in Bucharest of two National Museums, one of the Jewish History and the Holocaust, the other of Communism.

Petre-Georgian MATEI, currently researcher at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He is Associate professor at the SNSPA University in Bucharest (course on Roma history). He holds a Ph.D. in History at the University of Bucharest with a thesis on the history of Roma in Romania, a DAAD scholarship in 2005-2006 and a Tziporah Wiesel fellowship at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (October 2011-April 2012). He presented at conferences in Bucharest, Budapest, Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, New York, Moscow etc. He is the author of articles on the history of Roma, member in several research projects conducted by the Romanian Academic Society, “Nicolae Iorga” Institute for History and co-author of the volume “Conditia roma si schimbarea discursului’” (2014) and “Gypsy problem in Romania in the nineteenth century. Slavery, the abolitionist movement and emancipation of the Gypsies”, to be published in 2019, project coordinator of “The Roma Suvivors of Deportations to Transnistria”.

Valeriu ANTONOVICI is an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. Vice-president of the Center for Memorial and Identity Studies. Collaborative professor at SNSPA. Valeriu Antonovici has a bachelor’s degree in sociology (SNSPA, 2006), master’s degree in anthropology (SNSPA, 2008), doctor in political science (Doctoral School of SNSPA, 2011). He has made a series of documentary films on topics of recent history. He was a journalist at RFI and TVRM. Author of the volume: “Patriotic Work. Radiography of a fake idea”, Bucharest / Cluj-Napoca, Eikon / Transylvania School, 2015; co-editor, along with Claudia-Florentina Dobre of two volumes: “The Present of Communism: Cultural Memory and Historiographical Approaches”, Ratio and Revelatio Publishing House, Oradea, 2016 and Deported in Baragan. Memories from the Romanian Siberia”, Ratio and Revelatio Publishing House, Oradea, 2016, co-author with Simona Preda of the volume “Straight ahead! Memories from childhood”, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, 2016. He has published chapters and articles joint in volumes and specialized magazines on topics related to recent memory, political power and government and recent history.

Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN holds a PhD in Philosophy (2013, Romanian Academy), a MA in Human Rights and Democratization (2008, University Ca’Foscari of Venice and University of Uppsala), a BA in Political Science (2008, University of Bucharest), Orthodox Theology (2012, University of Bucharest) and Law (2017, University Nicolae Titulescu of Bucharest). Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Bucharest, 2014-2015). Lecturer at the Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir of Bucharest – Communication and Public Relations Department (2010 – present). Scientific Researcher at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania (2017-present). Scientific Researcher within the project „Holocaust Memoryscapes”, financed by a grant of Ministry of Research and Innovation CNCS-UEFISCDI (2019).

David DIACONU is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and a Research Assistant in the Holocaust Memoryscapes research project at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He was also a visiting PhD candidate at Mercatus Center – George Mason University. He teaches as an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Public Administration – SNSPA: Public Management, Leadership in public sector, Public Relations and Communication for Public Administration and at the Faculty of Political Science – SNSPA: Behavioral Economics, Fundamentals of Political Science and Rational Choice Theory. David’s main research areas are Institutional Economics, Public Choice, Scientometrics and Mixed-methods research design. He published several papers in different international – indexed journals, on the abovementioned subjects. He also published several chapters in collective volumes. Referring to the research activities, he was member in several research teams that dealt with voting rules, political corruption, organizational management, public relations and political extremism added to several self-organized qualitative and quantitative research fieldworks.

Alina-Simona POPESCU is a PhD student in the field of Political Sciences, at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA). She holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Human Resources Management from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA) of the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca and a Bachelor’s degree in the field of International Relations and European Studies from the Faculty of European Studies (FSE) of the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca. Alina POPESCU’s main field of research regards the study of the Romanian political culture and the way it influences the aggregation of emotions, feelings, attitudes, opinions and personal beliefs shared by ordinary citizens. She has published several chapters of her doctoral thesis and other articles in her field of research. Moreover, she studies different European and non-European cultures in the sustained effort of building and fostering Romania’s bilateral diplomatic ties with other states, from her position as parliamentary adviser in the Bilateral Relations Division of the General Directorate of Foreign Parliamentary Cooperation, the Senate of Romania.

Adelin-Costin DUMITRU is research assistant at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, PhD candidate in political science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and Adjunct Professor at the same University. He is a founding member of the Bucharest Center for Political Theory. His research interests are intergenerational justice, reparatory justice, social capital and school choice. He published in journals such as Philosophia, Philosophical Forum, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Romanian Journal of Political Science, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Croatian Journal of Philosophy or South African Journal of Philosophy. He teaches political philosophy, behavioral economics, the history of social and political thought and electoral institutions. In his PhD thesis, he is exploring the relation between intergenerational justice and social capital, attempting to show that increasing the level of social capital can lead to more feasible normative proposals, in that the people would be more willing to redistribute resources towards future generations.


The aim of this research is to examine the Holocaust memory-making mechanisms in Central and Eastern European post-communist region, by referring to state and non-state agencies of memorializing the Holocaust, as well as representational and non-representational memorial forms of these processes.

What role does the memorialization of the Second World War’s atrocities play in contemporary post-communist societies from Central and Eastern European region? What is the social impact of these processes? Do the processes of memory-making change present patterns of thought and ideologies? Do they influence representations within mainstream society? How does the memorial transmission of the Holocaust intertwine with heritage-work? Could memorial forms of the Holocaust be considered a tool for collective remembrance and identity formation? What role these processes do play in the reconciliation of the memory of a difficult past of Jews in post-communist European countries?

Having formulating these questions as a point of departure, our research seeks to critically engage with the field of memory and heritage studies and examine the social, cultural, cognitive, political and technological shifts affecting the extent to which individuals, groups and societies remember the Holocaust in European post-communist contexts.

By using ethnographic methods to examine the ways contemporary memory-making and heritage-work projects piece together fragments of Jewish history, we propose to scrutinize the question of ideological debate in coming to terms with difficult pasts and the stakes of integrating this dark past into mainstream historical consciousness, to analyse frames, media and political economy of remembrance, to explore affects engaged and catalysed by processes of shaping public memory, and to examine the social impact of transmitting the memory of such tragic events.

Research team

Sonia CATRINA is a cultural studies scholar interested in heritage-making and memory-work, in relation to authorized institutions to it, but also to access and expression by minority groups. CATRINA’s research focuses on nationalism, ethnicity and identity, collective memory, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Her interdisciplinary research broadly inspects what, how and why heritage knowledge is created, shaped, managed, communicated and consumed in the public realm. Since 2015, she has been specializing in the field of the Holocaust studies, Genocide, and Memory Studies. The way in which the past is reconstructed through memory is one of the major interests of CATRINA’s research. In this regard, her study “Voicing the death of Jews from Northern Transylvania through heritage and its social appropriation” which received a six-month research fellowship from the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, being published in Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări (December 2016), is an extended socio-historical analysis regarding engagements towards (re)enactment of Holocaust into the Romanian public sphere through cultural forms of memorializing and commemorating the Jewish history during the Second World War in Northern Transylvania. Currently, Sonia CATRINA is a research project manager of “Coming to Terms with National History and Participation in Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Post-communist Countries”, an original research for its potential to shed light on the manifold politics associated with the commemoration of wars within multiracial and multi-religious post-communist contexts. She was the main organizer of the Spring School on the “Memoryscapes of the Holocaust in Romania” from May 21 to May 25, held in Șimleu Silvaniei, and of the International Colloquium on the “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, from October 11-12, held in Bucharest. Paying particular attention to the Holocaust and communist legacies in Romania, she is now working on perceptions regarding the foundation in Bucharest of two National Museums, one of the Jewish History and the Holocaust, the other of Communism.

Petre-Georgian MATEI, currently researcher at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He is Associate professor at the SNSPA University in Bucharest (course on Roma history). He holds a Ph.D. in History at the University of Bucharest with a thesis on the history of Roma in Romania, a DAAD scholarship in 2005-2006 and a Tziporah Wiesel fellowship at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (October 2011-April 2012). He presented at conferences in Bucharest, Budapest, Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, New York, Moscow etc. He is the author of articles on the history of Roma, member in several research projects conducted by the Romanian Academic Society, “Nicolae Iorga” Institute for History and co-author of the volume “Conditia roma si schimbarea discursului’” (2014) and “Gypsy problem in Romania in the nineteenth century. Slavery, the abolitionist movement and emancipation of the Gypsies”, to be published in 2019, project coordinator of “The Roma Suvivors of Deportations to Transnistria”.

Valeriu ANTONOVICI is an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. Vice-president of the Center for Memorial and Identity Studies. Collaborative professor at SNSPA. Valeriu Antonovici has a bachelor’s degree in sociology (SNSPA, 2006), master’s degree in anthropology (SNSPA, 2008), doctor in political science (Doctoral School of SNSPA, 2011). He has made a series of documentary films on topics of recent history. He was a journalist at RFI and TVRM. Author of the volume: “Patriotic Work. Radiography of a fake idea”, Bucharest / Cluj-Napoca, Eikon / Transylvania School, 2015; co-editor, along with Claudia-Florentina Dobre of two volumes: “The Present of Communism: Cultural Memory and Historiographical Approaches”, Ratio and Revelatio Publishing House, Oradea, 2016 and Deported in Baragan. Memories from the Romanian Siberia”, Ratio and Revelatio Publishing House, Oradea, 2016, co-author with Simona Preda of the volume “Straight ahead! Memories from childhood”, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, 2016. He has published chapters and articles joint in volumes and specialized magazines on topics related to recent memory, political power and government and recent history.

Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN holds a PhD in Philosophy (2013, Romanian Academy), a MA in Human Rights and Democratization (2008, University Ca’Foscari of Venice and University of Uppsala), a BA in Political Science (2008, University of Bucharest), Orthodox Theology (2012, University of Bucharest) and Law (2017, University Nicolae Titulescu of Bucharest). Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Bucharest, 2014-2015). Lecturer at the Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir of Bucharest – Communication and Public Relations Department (2010 – present). Scientific Researcher at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania (2017-present). Scientific Researcher within the project „Holocaust Memoryscapes”, financed by a grant of Ministry of Research and Innovation CNCS-UEFISCDI (2019).

David DIACONU is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and a Research Assistant in the Holocaust Memoryscapes research project at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He was also a visiting PhD candidate at Mercatus Center – George Mason University. He teaches as an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Public Administration – SNSPA: Public Management, Leadership in public sector, Public Relations and Communication for Public Administration and at the Faculty of Political Science – SNSPA: Behavioral Economics, Fundamentals of Political Science and Rational Choice Theory. David’s main research areas are Institutional Economics, Public Choice, Scientometrics and Mixed-methods research design. He published several papers in different international – indexed journals, on the abovementioned subjects. He also published several chapters in collective volumes. Referring to the research activities, he was member in several research teams that dealt with voting rules, political corruption, organizational management, public relations and political extremism added to several self-organized qualitative and quantitative research fieldworks.

Alina-Simona POPESCU is a PhD student in the field of Political Sciences, at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA). She holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Human Resources Management from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA) of the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca and a Bachelor’s degree in the field of International Relations and European Studies from the Faculty of European Studies (FSE) of the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca. Alina POPESCU’s main field of research regards the study of the Romanian political culture and the way it influences the aggregation of emotions, feelings, attitudes, opinions and personal beliefs shared by ordinary citizens. She has published several chapters of her doctoral thesis and other articles in her field of research. Moreover, she studies different European and non-European cultures in the sustained effort of building and fostering Romania’s bilateral diplomatic ties with other states, from her position as parliamentary adviser in the Bilateral Relations Division of the General Directorate of Foreign Parliamentary Cooperation, the Senate of Romania.

Adelin-Costin DUMITRU is research assistant at the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, PhD candidate in political science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and Adjunct Professor at the same University. He is a founding member of the Bucharest Center for Political Theory. His research interests are intergenerational justice, reparatory justice, social capital and school choice. He published in journals such as Philosophia, Philosophical Forum, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Romanian Journal of Political Science, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Croatian Journal of Philosophy or South African Journal of Philosophy. He teaches political philosophy, behavioral economics, the history of social and political thought and electoral institutions. In his PhD thesis, he is exploring the relation between intergenerational justice and social capital, attempting to show that increasing the level of social capital can lead to more feasible normative proposals, in that the people would be more willing to redistribute resources towards future generations.


Obiectivele principale ale acestei cercetări menite să dezvăluie modul în care interrelaţionăm cu trecutul din prisma mecanismelor de memorie a Holocaustului sunt structurate după cum urmează: În primul rând, cercetarea încearcă să traseze, dintr-o perspectivă comparativă, genealogia istorică a comemorării Holocaustului în țări post-comuniste din Europa Centrală și de Est, discutând diverse angajamente în direcția integrării istoriei evreiești în memoria publică.

Pentru a răspunde acestui obiectiv, ținem seama atât de acțiuni “top-down” de patrimonializare și memorializare dedicate Holocaustului, cât și de cele “bottom-up”, menite să sensibilizeze cu privire la istoria evreilor pe aceste teritorii și să aducă în memoria publică un capitol întunecat al istoriei europene. În al doilea rând, printr-o analiză critică a unei largi selecții de locuri cu încărcătură memorială, cercetarea interoghează modul în care memoria celui de-al doilea război mondial a fost asumată spațial și discursiv de către stat și organisme non-statale ca mijloc de realizare a unor obiective multiple, printre care se numără construirea identităţii naţionale, rememorare și turism. În al treilea rând, cercetarea analizează atitudinile emoționale și memoriale în astfel de societăți, cu alte cuvinte, evaluează implicațiile etice și sociale ale valorificării culturale a peisajelor memoriale legate de Holocaust, inclusiv monumente, muzee și ceremonii, precum și impactul transmiterii memoriei unor astfel de evenimente tragice.


The primary objectives of this research aimed at revealing modes of ‘relationship to the past’ [modes de ‘relation au passé’] (Tornatore, 2010: 5) at work in Holocaust memory processes, are three-fold. First, the research seeks to trace, from a comparative perspective, the historical genealogy of the Holocaust commemoration in Central and Eastern European post-communist countries by discussing various engagements towards the (re)enactment of the Jewish history into the public memory.

To answer this objective, we take into account both top-down and bottom-up actions of heritagisation and memorialization dedicated to the Holocaust aimed at raising awareness about the Jewish history on these territories and at bringing a dark chapter of the European history into the public memory. Second, through a critical analysis of a wide selection of ‘memoryscapes’, the research interrogates how memories of the Second World War have been spatially and discursively appropriated by state and non-state agencies over various scales as means of achieving multiple objectives, including nation-building, mourning, and tourism. Third, our research scrutinizes emotional and memorial attitudes within these societies, in other words, the ethical and societal implications of the cultural valuing of memorial landscapes relating to the Holocaust, including monuments, museums, and memorial ceremonies, and the impact of transmitting the memory of such tragic events.


2018 (lei)
2019 (lei)
2020 (lei)
1. Cheltuieli cu personalul  50.424 151.164 25.212 226.800
2. Cheltuieli de logistica 5.457 653 9.438 15.548
3 Cheltuieli de deplasare 19.978 116.237 2.250 138.465
4. Cheltuieli indirecte (max. 15%)  11.200 40.000 5.000 56.200
  TOTAL 87.059 308.054 41.900 437.013


– Organizarea Seminarului Naţional pe tema „România şi Holocaustul: Asumarea istoriei naţionale prin mecanisme memoriale şi patrimoniale”.
– Organizarea Şcolii de primăvară „Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului în România”.
– Organizarea unui Colocviu Internaţional cu tema “Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări post-communiste din Europa centrală şi de est”.
– Organizarea Seminarului Final „Holocaustul ca trecut prezent în Europa centrală şi de est” pentru a prezenta rezultatele cercetării.

Vom valorifica rezultatele cercetării publicând o carte științifică pentru care fiecare membru al echipei de cercetare va pregăti un capitol separat. Fiecare cercetător implicat în proiect va prezenta studiul de caz la o conferinţă internaţională.


– The organization of a National Seminar on ‘Romania and the Holocaust: Coming to terms with National History through Memory Work and Heritage Mechanisms’
– The organization of a Spring School on ‘Memoryscapes of the Holocaust in Romania’
– The organization of an International Colloquium focused on the ‘Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Post-communist Countries’.
– The organization of the Final Seminar on ‘Holocaust as a Present Past in Central and Eastern Europe’ to present the results of our research.

We will capitalise on the research results by publishing a scientific book to which the members of my team will submit a chapter. Each researcher will present his/her case-study at one international conference.

Activități derulate în 2018/ Activities run in 2018

“Romania and the Holocaust: Coming to terms with national history through Memory Work and Heritage Mechanisms” / “România şi Holocaustul: Asumarea istoriei naţionale cu privire la Holocaust prin mecanisme memoriale şi patrimoniale” organized by Sonia Catrina with PhD Ana BĂRBULESCU (INSHR EW), on November 23rd, 2018, at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania in Bucharest.

  • Sonia CATRINA, paper “City Heritage with(out) Heirs. A Comparative Study of Jewish Historical Remains in Romania” presented at “Searching for the Roots of Jewish Traditions”, presented at the XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies,, Kraków, Poland, July 15-19, 2018.
  • Sonia CATRINA, paper “Urban Heritage with(out) Heirs: Managing (Un)covered Traces of the Jewish Presence on the Romanian Territories” presented at the International Conference “Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence”, organized by Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage from the University of Birmingham and Foundation for Jewish Heritage,,, Krakow, Poland, September 3-7, 2018.
  • Sonia CATRINA, chair of the session “Memory and memorialisation”, during the International Conference “Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence”, organized by Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage from the University of Birmingham and Foundation for Jewish Heritage, being held as part of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, that examines the pasts, presents and futures for towns and cities with Jewish Heritage,, Krakow, Poland, September 3-7, 2018.
  • Sonia CATRINA, lecture “Paradigma antisemită în contextul naţionalismului românesc” / “The Anti-Semitic Paradigm in the Context of the Romanian Nationalism” presented at the national seminar “Romania and the Holocaust: Coming to terms with national history through Memory Work and Heritage Mechanisms” / “România şi Holocaustul: Asumarea istoriei naţionale cu privire la Holocaust prin mecanisme memoriale şi patrimoniale”, on November 23rd, 2018, at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania in Bucharest.
  • Sonia CATRINA, paper “Dinamica antisemitismului în contextul ideologiei naţionaliste de construire a statului român modern” / “The Dynamics of Anti-Semitism in the Context of the Nationalist Ideology of Building the Modern Romanian State” presented at the Annual Conference of Research in Sociology and Social Assistance, XVIIth edition, organized by “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, December 14-15, 2018.

Activități derulate în 2019/ Activities run in 2019

În perioada 21-25 mai 2019, la Șimleu Silvaniei, a avut loc Școala de primăvară „Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului din România”, program organizat de Institutul Național pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel” în colaborare cu Muzeul Memorial al Holocaustului din Transilvania de Nord.

Școala de primăvară a constat într-un curs intensiv de cinci zile în cadrul căruia s-au analizat procesele de construcție a memoriei publice a Holocaustului în România postcomunistă, mai precis modalitățile prin care memoria Holocaustului a apărut și s-a dezvoltat în discursuri și practici oficiale.

La seminar au participat zece studenți și absolvenți de studii superioare, pentru care Holocaustul prezintă un interes de cercetare.

Anunțul pentru organizarea Școlii de primăvară/ Call for Application for Spring School
Programul școlii de primăvară/The Agenda of the Spring School
Mesajul din deschiderea programului

Prezentări din cadrul seminarului

În perioada 11-12 octombrie 2019, Institutul Național pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel” a organizat colocviul internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”.

Conferința interdisciplinară a reunit experți din cinci țări care au discutat despre forme contemporane de memorializare a Holocaustului, urmărind aprofundarea subiectului privind mecanisme ale memoriei.

Anunțul pentru organizarea colocviului internațional/ Call for Application
Programul colocviului/The Agenda of the international colloquium
Mesajul din deschiderea programului/Opening speech
Concluzii la finalul programului/Closing remarks
Prezentări din cadrul colocviului/Presentations held during the international colloquium

(PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0811, Contract 31/2018, 02/05/2018 – 30/04/2020)

I. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, organizatoare SPRING SCHOOL “Memoryscapes of the Holocaust in Romania”, May 21st – 25th, 2019, Şimleu Silvaniei / ȘCOALĂ DE PRIMĂVARĂ „Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului în România”, May 21st – 25th, 2019, Şimleu Silvaniei.

II. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, organizatoare INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / COLOCVIU INTERNAȚIONAL „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.

1. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, moderator al sesiunii cu titlul: THE MEMORY OF THE HOLOCAUST: ACCOUNTABILITY, LEGISLATIVE MECHANISMS & PUBLIC SPEECHES, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.

2. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, moderator al sesiunii cu titlul: THE MEMORY OF THE HOLOCAUST AND COLLECTIVE IDENTITY, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.

3. Dr. Petre-Georgian MATEI, moderator al sesiunii cu titlul: MEMORIAL MARKERS AND SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE HOLOCAUST, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.

1. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, prelegere cu titlul: The legacies of difficult pasts in Post-communist Romania: spatialities of traumatic memory, (dis)connected politics of memory and anti-Semitic social attitudes, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
2. Dr. Petre-Georgian MATEI, prelegere cu titlul: Coming to Terms with WWII Roma Deportations in Contemporary Romania, în cadrul atelierului cu titlul Self Determination, ASEEES Summer Convention in Zagreb, Croatia, June 14-16, 2019,
3. Dr. Petre-Georgian MATEI, prelegere cu titlul: Roma treatment and deportations during WWII: perceptions in contemporary Romania, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
4. Dr. Valeriu ANTONOVICI, prelegere cu titlul: The efforts of the Romanian politicians in building the Holocaust public speech, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
5. Dr. Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN, prelegere cu titlul: Mircea Vulcănescu’s theological memorialization in contemporary Romania: from war criminal to victim of communism, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
6. Drd. David DIACONU, prelegere cu titlul: Remembrance through education: the case of Romanian higher education institutions, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
7. Drd. Alina POPESCU, prelegere cu titlul: The memory of the Holocaust and the myth of the “outside enemy”: from anti-Semitic attitudes to redundant politicization, în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
8. Drd. Adelin-Costin DUMITRU, prelegere cu titlul: Holocaust remembrance as reparation for the past: a relational egalitarian approach, , în cadrul Colocviului Internațional “Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries”, October 11-12th, 2019, Bucharest / „Memorializarea contemporană a Holocausului în ţări din Europa centrală şi de est”, 11-12 octombrie 2019, București.
9. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, prelegere cu titlul: Femmes et genre dans la Shoah roumaine, în cadrul Table-ronde “Femmes et génocide en Europe Centrale et Orientale”, Centre Régional Francophone de Recherches Avancées en Sciences Sociales (CEREFREA Villa Noël) / Masa rotundă „Femei și genocid in Europa Centrală și Orientală”, organizat de Centrul Regional Francofon de Cercetări avansate în Științe Sociale (CEREFREA Villa Noël), December 05, 2019, Bucharest / 05 Decembrie 2019, București.

1. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, prelegere cu titlul Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului în Oradea, în cadrul Școlii de primăvară „Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului în România”, 21-25 mai 2019, Şimleu Silvaniei.

2. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, prelegere cu titlul Memoria ca sursa de vindecare: Angajamentul lui Elie Wiesel de a răspandi moștenirea Holocaustului, în cadrul Școlii de primăvară „Locuri ale memoriei Holocaustului în România”, 21-25 mai 2019, Şimleu Silvaniei.

1. Petre-Georgian MATEI, stagiu de documentare de 10 zile efectuat în perioada 10-19 martie 2019, în diferite instituții din Germania: Arhivele federale din Koblenz (Bundesarchiv), Ruhr Universität Bochum/ Institut für Diaspora- und Genozidforschung, Rom eV Köln, Dokumentationszentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma; Biblioteca Universitatii din Heidelberg, Cercetare in Arhivele din Ludwigsburg.
2. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, stagiu de documentare de 10 zile efectuat în perioada 24 aprilie 2019-4 mai 2019, în cadrul Departamentului de Studii Ebraice din Universitatea Central Europeană din Budapesta, sub îndrumarea dlui. Dr. András Kovács (Director al Departamentului de Studii Ebraice). Rezultatul acestui stagiu de documentare constă în redactarea unei părți a studiului cu titlul provizoriu The production, usages and circulation of Holocaust memories within mainstream societies.
3. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, stagiu de documentare de 2 luni efectuat în perioada 01 iulie 2019-28 august 2019, în cadrul Institutului „Wiesenthal” pentru Studii de Holocaust (VWI) din Viena, sub îndrumarea dlui. Dr. Béla Rásky (Director de Management al Institutului) și a dnei Dr. Éva Kovács (Director al Programului de Cercetare). Rezultatul constă în redactarea introducerii (aproximativ 5.000 de cuvinte) unui studiu mai larg cu titlul provizoriu Trails of Public Memory in Contemporary Romania, Nationalist Rhetorical Tropes and Xenophobic Social Attitudes, în care autorul analizează din perspectiva diacronică politica memoriei în România după 1989, printr-o comparație între problematica Holocaustului și cea a trecutului communist.
4. Dr. Sonia CATRINA, stagiu de documentare de 10 zile efectuat în perioada 6 decembrie 2019-15 decembrie 2019, în cadrul Centrului de documentare al Memorialului Holocaustului din Paris (Mémorial de la Shoah de Paris. Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC), avînd obiectivul de a identifica documente de istorie orală în vederea dezvoltării unui studiu pe tematica La Shoah dans une perspective genrée (Holocaustul dintr-o perspectivă de gen).

Activități derulate în 2020/ Activities run in 2020

Institutul Național pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel” a organizat în data de 27 ianuarie 2020, în contextul Zilei Internaționale de Comemorare a Victimelor Holocaustului, seminarul „Elie Wiesel și memoria Holocaustului”.

Acest proiect educațional care și-a propus să transmită memoria Holocaustului în rândul generațiilor de tineri și, în aceeași măsură, să promoveze combaterea intoleranței, rasismului, xenofobiei și antisemitismului, a fost realizat cu elevi de liceu din București și din țară, precum și câțiva dintre profesorii acestora.

Având drept reper experiența lui Elie Wiesel, supraviețuitor al Holocaustului și câștigător al Premiului Nobel pentru Pace în 1986, relatată în romanul „Noaptea”, elevilor li s-a cerut să-și imagineze ce se întâmplă în mintea adolescentului de 15 ani care privește inelele de fum negru de pe cer, fum care emană din cuptoarele în care sora mai mică și mama sa au fost aruncate, precum alte mii de victime.

Cele 23 de lucrări selectate pentru a fi prezentate în cadrul seminarului au primit Diploma de excelență „Elie Wiesel”, însoțită de un premiu oferit de către Institutul Național pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel”.

Discursul coordonatului proiectului, Sonia Catrina, în deschiderea seminarului

Materiale seminar:

Lucrări grafice ale elevilor participanți la seminar

În luna martie 2020, a fost publicat volumul Holocaust Memoryscapes. Contemporary memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe, editat de Sonia Catrina, directorul proiectului „Asumarea istoriei naţionale şi participare în memorializarea contemporană a Holocaustului în ţări postcomuniste din Europa Centrală şi de Est” finanţat de UEFISCDI – Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0811, Contract 31/2018, 02/05/2018 – 30/04/2020).

„În ce măsură state postcomuniste din Centrul și Estul Europei se conectează cu trecutul, intră în dialog cu istoria, participă activ la abordarea problemelor actuale ale antisemitismului și contribuie la construirea unei culturi a respectului pentru drepturile omului prin transmiterea memoriei publice a Holocaustului?” – mesajul directorului de project, Sonia Catrina.


Capitolul 1: „The Legacies of the Holocaust in Post-communist Romania: Spatialities of Traumatic Memory, (Dis)connected Politics of Memory and Anti-Semitic Social Attitudes”, Sonia CATRINA.
Capitolul 2: „The Issue of Antisemitism in the Jurisprudence of the National Council for Combating Discrimination”, Cristina JURA.
Capitolul 3: „The Efforts of Romanian Politicians in Developing the Holocaust Public Discourse”, Valeriu ANTONOVICI.
Capitolul 4: „The Memory of the Holocaust and the Myth of the ‘Outside Enemy’: From Anti-Semitic Attitudes to Redundant Politicisation”, Alina POPESCU.
Capitolul 5: „The Production, Usages and Circulation of Holocaust Testimonies within Mainstream Societies: Identity Stakes”, Sonia CATRINA.
Capitolul 6: „Remembrance through Education. The Case of Holocaust Education in Romanian Higher Education Institutions”, David DIACONU.
Capitolul 7: „Artistic Approaches at Memorial Sites – A Workshop Example”, Kamila PAŁUBICKA.
Capitolul 8: „Geographies of Remembrance: Observing the National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust in Romania’s Educational System”, Mihai Stelian RUSU.
Capitolul 9: „Holocaust Remembrance as Reparation for the Past: A Relational Egalitarian Approach”, Adelin-Constin DUMITRU.
Capitolul 10: „Demons, Saints or Something Else? Holocaust Actors and Victims of Communism in Theological Memorialisation in Romania (2017-2018)”, Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN.
Capitolul 11: „Holocaust Remembrance, Memorial Space and Otherness. Dialogue between Memory and the Spectator”, Astrid ROTTMAN.
Capitolul 12: „Truncated Images of the Holocaust: The Deportation of the Roma in the Censored Romanian Literature. The Case of the Novel Șatra by Zaharia Stancu”, Sorin MITULESCU.
Capitolul 13: „The Holocaust in the Memory of Peasants from Bogata de Sus, a Village in North-Western Transylvania”, Gheorghe CIASCAI.
Capitolul 14: „Remembering the Roma Deportations in Post-Communist Romania: The Difficult Path to a Shared Past”, Petre-Georgian MATEI.


  • Valeriu ANTONOVICI is an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker, Vice-President of the Center for Memorial and Identity Studies and collaborative professor at SNSPA. Valeriu Antonovici has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (SNSPA – 2006), a Master’s degree in Anthropology (SNSPA – 2008), and a doctoral degree in Political Science (Doctoral School of SNSPA – 2011).
  • Sonia CATRINA is a cultural studies scholar interested in heritage-making and memory-work, in relation to authorised institutions, but also to access and expression by minority groups. Her research focuses on nationalism, ethnicity, identity and collective memory. As a SCIEX-NMSch postdoctoral fellow at the University of Neuchâtel (2014-2015), she has explored the mechanisms of heritage-making in the ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres of identity.
  • Gheorghe CIASCAI is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Bucharest. He holds a BA in Philosophy and a BA in Political Science from the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, a postgraduate joint diploma in Business Law at the Paris I Sorbonne University and the University of Bucharest, and a PhD in Philosophy from the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca.
  • David DIACONU is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, where he teaches as an Adjunct Professor, and a Research Assistant in the Holocaust Memoryscapes research project at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He was also an Eramus+ visiting PhD candidate at the “Mercatus” Center from the “George Mason” University. His main research areas are Institutional Economics, Public Choice, Scientometrics and Mixed-methods research design.
  • Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN is a researcher at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania and lecturer at the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University in Bucharest. He holds a PhD in Philosophy (2013, Romanian Academy), an MA in Human Rights and Democratisation (2008, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights, Venice), an MA in Religious Studies (2014, University of Bucharest), a BA in Political Science in the French language (2008, University of Bucharest), and a BA in Orthodox Theology (2012, University of Bucharest).
  • Adelin-Costin DUMITRU is a research assistant at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, PhD candidate in political science at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, and Adjunct Professor at the same University. He is a founding member of the Bucharest Centre for Political Theory. His research interests are intergenerational justice, reparatory justice, social capital and school choice.
  • Cristian JURA is Professor of Public International Law at the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University and State Secretary, member of the steering board of the National Council for Combating Discrimination. Expert at the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance – ECRI – of the Council of Europe in respect of Romania. Member of Radicalisation Awareness Network.
  • Petre-Georgian MATEI is a researcher at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. He holds a PhD in History from the University of Bucharest with a thesis on the history of Roma in Romania. He held a DAAD scholarship in 2005-2006 and a Tziporah Wiesel fellowship at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (October 2011-April 2012).


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